Pop in for a visit to find out more about the club.
If you would like to find out more about what the club is like.
Then please do pop along to one of our club nights, it’s the best way to get an idea of what we get up to, so much better than an e-mail.
If you decide to come on a Snap Chat evening, then it’s a relaxing informal night in the pub, a great place for any ice breaking, to learn about what we’ve done & do and an opportunity to have a good ‘ol chat.
If you decide to come to a club night at The Hub, we have various things going on, from guest speakers giving informative talks, to photography workshops & projects that will help inspire your photography skills no matter what level you are.
Please keep an eye on the Calendar for events that are coming up and to when the club next meets.
Meeting schedule:
1st Wednesday of each month – we meet in the Vine for a chat. When the weather is good we meet at 6:00 but may meet at 7:30 during the winter; we will e-mail members on a monthly basis with full details.
2nd Wednesday of each month – we usually have a speaker or external ‘trainer/guest for this session. Their presentations are often linked to our own projects or skill development.
4th Wednesday of each month – we aim to meet outdoors to take photographs; this will usually be during the day and full details will be e-mailed to members in advance.
Each of these last two sessions has a tea/coffee break built in for the necessary social side of any club! If you join us you will be expected to join another member on tea/ coffee duty at least once during the year.
Meeting venue:
Unless we’re on ‘walkabout’ or supporting outside events, all meetings are held at:
The Social Hub, Church Road, Tenterden. TN30 6AT.
Annual Fees:
Full membership: £40 per year (1st September to 31st July)
Concessions: £30 per year (over 65s, full time students, registered disabled)
Couples living at the same address: £60 (or £50 if both concession members)
There is also a charge of £2 for each meeting you attend in addition to this annual membership fee. All these fees cover the costs of room hire, refreshments, outings and speakers.
Members have access to the closed ‘Tenterden Camera Club’ Facebook page in order to share and post photos or events.
Additional information:
We have produced a calendars based on photographs of Tenterden taken by members throughout the year. Profits from the sale have been divided between the club and The Social Hub. We also aim to hold an annual exhibition of examples of our ‘work’. This is usually held in St. Mildred’s Church at the end of November to tie in with the Christmas shopping weekend. All members are encouraged to display photos, and help is at hand to learn how to mount photographs for display.
What do people say about us?
“Right away I was made to feel at home”;
“This is a really friendly club for photography, encouraging people of all ages and all levels of expertise to improve their skills”;
“The camera club has a friendly and relaxed atmosphere which, I think, makes the club”;
“The interaction with other members is most rewarding as it is to be with like-minded people who are willing to share and make you feel welcome”
If you do need to contact committee members for any reason, their details can be found on the About Us page.